We ordered a deep freezer the week before the first Feb blizzard struck. The delivery got cancelled due to the snow. The delivery was rescheduled for the following weekend, but that is when the second blizzard hit and the city was shut down for a week. So.....another cancellation. Well, the freezer was finally delivered on Friday. Yay! I am hoping that this will help us save money in the long run. I usually have to go to the store a couple of times a week to buy stuff because our fridge freezer is so small. It was nice to actually go to Sam's and take advantage of the frozen food bulk buys.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Smells Good
I was having one of those days (weeks) where I needed some kind of retail therapy. As soon as I walked into the store, I saw this on a display table. It is Halle Berry's newest perfume, Halle by Halle Berry-Pure Orchid. It smells good. Unlike her first perfume, which I did not like, this one is more floral. It's not heavy and could be worn every day. And since I paid less than $15 for it (0.5 oz), I think I did good! Much better than turning to food for a pick me up.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Well.....as though 3 blizzards within the same number of months wasn't enough. They are forecasting more snow for this week. An "accumulating" snow. So...we will see what's going to happen. Here is a picture from the last snow storm.
The snow was so deep that it came up to the bottom of this bench.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My House Smells Yummy
About a week I received my warmer and scents from Scentsy. This is the Lotus warmer and I picked it because it matches my living room furniture. Right now, I have the Green Tea Smoothie wax in there. It. Smells. Good.

You put the wax scents in the warmer and the light bulb inside melts the wax. It is safer than candles and you can leave it plugged in for hours.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ambi Update
I had high hopes for the Ambi but.....it doesn't seem to be working. So...I don't know, maybe I will go back to what I did in high school. I just used Noxzema and followed with an astringent. I will give it a few days before I make a decision. Kelly said I should try Proactiv. We'll see.
Ok, we've had mice on and off since the summer. We put out the traps and glue sticks and that seemed to do the trick. For the past few weeks though, we have not been able to catch the mouse(mice) that we knew were in here. It was like they would go EVERYWHERE except where the traps were. Well....about 5:30 this morning, I heard hubby get up and go in my stepson's room. They were discussing something and I couldn't hear everything, but I heard the word mouse. About 15 min later, my hubby came back into our room and said that the mouse had been in there. So....of course, I can't sleep at that point. I just hate the thought of a critter roaming around my space. It gives me the heebie jeebies. Anyway, my stepson sends us a msg that says the mouse just ran out of his room. At this point we start watching the bottom of our bedroom door which has a space of about an inch at the bottom. Sure enough.....we see the little critter run into our room. It runs behind the clothes basket so we start poking the basket and it runs into the bathroom. Well...my hubby decides to trap it in the bathroom. We close the door and shove a towel under the bottom of the door so that it can't get out. Hubby at this point says that he's going back to sleep and he will deal with it later. So....since I know where the mouse is and know that it can't get out...I go to sleep too. Later that morning.....hubby caught it in a box and took it outside. Whew! I am relieved.....for now, because I know that for the one we caught....there's probably a bunch more. Ugh!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Our blog name
The front of this Valentine's card says "Once upon a time, there were 2 sisters...". And in an act of weird cosmic magic, Kelly and I bought each other this card for Valentine's day. I got mine in the mail the day before she got hers and laughed out loud when I saw it. It was perfect because inside it says that no matter what, the sisters remained close and lived happily ever after. That sums us up in a nutshell. No matter what, we've always been there for each other and we always will.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
One of those days.
I am tired. It has been a very long week. I don't know if it's being held hostage by two blizzards and having our routines disrupted or what.....but I am feeling weighed down. I know that this is probably just a phase that will pass. I just want to be past it NOW. All week Donovan has not wanted to go to school and I was the "worst mommy ever" for making him go. And there was the whole "not wanting to take a bath" issue. Despite the fact that his dad and I take turns giving the baths, he was only mad at ME! Being a parent is truly a thankless job. I may have to take a few hours and steal away by myself or even better, try to convince hubby to take Donovan to a movie. That way, I won't even have to leave the house. I can just lay around and do......nothing. I like nothing. I need more of it in my life.
My Sister is Awesome!
Look at what my awesome sister Kelly sent me as an early birthday present!!
A Coach crossbody purse.
Wait...this too...a pink Coach lanyard. Thanks Kelly, I love you!
Valentine Getaway 2010

For Valentine's Day my boyfriend and I decided on a quick getaway. We decided on Gatlinburg, TN because neither of us had ever been there. It is a beautiful city and we were lucky enough to see a little bit of snow there. From Dollywood to the Ripley's attractions to the amusement parks there is plenty to do there. The highlight of our trip was definitely our helicopter tour of Gatlinburg. We chose to use Scenic Helicopter Tours and we were very pleased with the experience! Can't wait to go back!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Back to normal?
Snow is still piled up on the sides of the road and covering the ground, but today was the first day back to school and work for us since Feb. 5. Our snow-imposed vacation is FINALLY over! There is still a lot of snow on the ground and no one thought to clear the sidewalk to the school bus stop. We had to wait across the street until the bus pulled up to the bus stop and then walk in the street to get on the bus. A little inconvenient but still nice to get back into our normal every day routine.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Acne at my age? Really.
I have noticed in the last year that I have acne. I don't mean just a pimple popping up randomly every now and again. I constantly am having small clusters of pimples all over my face. It reminds me of when I first started getting acne YEARS ago when I was in my teens. So...I have decided to discipline myself and start a skincare regimen. These are the products that I will be using.
I decided to go with Ambi for a couple of reasons. One, it will also help to improve the tone of my skin. Two, it was cheaper than Aveeno (although not by much). I have very sensitive skin so I only use the exfoliating wash 2-3 times a week. Everything else...once a day. I am also using an acne treatment from Neutrogena.
So....it's only been about a week since I started. I will let you know how it goes.
Dark Chocolate....mmmmmm
For Valentine's Day this year, hubby got me the usual. A gift card, a magazine, an electric griddle and some Godiva chocolate. This year, however, he finally got it right. You see, for years now I have been a dark chocolate lover. A convert from the milky stuff (which I still am fond of) to the rich, yummyliciousness (I know, not a real word) that is dark chocolate. We have been married almost 3 years and I have known hubby for 9 years and up until this year.....I always got a box of mostly milk chocolate Godiva. He always got points for getting the good stuff but never 100% because it wasn't my favorite. This year....he got all the way up to 95% for finally listening to me and getting what I liked. He didn't earn full points because he is still buying me magazines as gifts. Why? Only he knows. I have asked him to stop but I think he gets a kick out of it because it annoys me. Go figure.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
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