
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lazy Blogger

It's been a long while since a post. No reason other than laziness. Kelly came up for two days last week. It was great because we hadn't seen each other in over a year. It makes me happy that Donovan spent his first few years with my family because when he sees them, he's not shy and he's happy to see them. We also went to the circus. It was cool. Expensive, but cool. My stepson's basketball team won the championship in their age group. It's two in a row now, so it looks like we have a streak. And those are the highlights of the last month. Hopefully, April will be more eventful. Oh and my KitchenAid is still in the box. I bought a cart for it but once I opened the box I realized that some of the screws were missing. It totally sucked, so we took it back to the store. My hope is to get one tomorrow.