I have to admit, this birthday was pretty awesome. Only downside was that it came in the midst of 3 rainy days. Hubby got me the usual. I just don't get why he buys me magazines, although he did up his game and get me a subscription to one. I used the gift card and some other monies I received to purchase my long coveted KitichenAid Mixer. YAY! I have been wanting one of those things for the last 8 years. It is still in the box because we have a tiny galley kitchen and no available counter space for it. I am going to have to buy a cart for it to go on. I can't wait til this weekend. I am going to make either pizza dough or cupcakes in it. Hubby also got me a birthday cake. When I first saw it, I have to admit that I didn't think it would be good. I am happy to say that it was Delish!

It was a white layer cake with a simple vanilla filling. It was so good.
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