
Thursday, February 18, 2010

One of those days.

I am tired. It has been a very long week. I don't know if it's being held hostage by two blizzards and having our routines disrupted or what.....but I am feeling weighed down. I know that this is probably just a phase that will pass. I just want to be past it NOW. All week Donovan has not wanted to go to school and I was the "worst mommy ever" for making him go. And there was the whole "not wanting to take a bath" issue. Despite the fact that his dad and I take turns giving the baths, he was only mad at ME! Being a parent is truly a thankless job. I may have to take a few hours and steal away by myself or even better, try to convince hubby to take Donovan to a movie. That way, I won't even have to leave the house. I can just lay around and do......nothing. I like nothing. I need more of it in my life.


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